Wednesday, August 4, 2010

February 27, 1913

Feb. 27, 1913

Dear Cecil,

Just a fue of lines in answer two your post cards. What I got today and was delighted two get tham. And two here that you are still alive and kicking. I was going two send a fast card but can't get any down here. So I thought I would write a short letter.

Cecil you ask how I got back I can't tell you we were just four hours on the train. We got down here about 9 oclock. Of course I don't care so long as I got down here because I like it so well here like fun.

Don't know if I am coming over for six months or not because it take two long on the road. But I suppose it will be different the next time I come over. I don't suppose it will be so stromy. I hope not any way. Or I might change my mind and work over Saturday night. It if don't storm-

Two day I quit work early I had a job ware I had only two work eight hours so it gave me a little more time. I suppose you will be surpprised two get this letter. But I suppose if some of your other fellow know it will be a greater surpprised two me. Oh. Oh, oh. What do you think about it? An't that right? Like if Jack or that Saroye get a hole of it I suppose there will be something doing. But I don't suppose Jack care so much because it is all in the same family. Maybe that will make a different.

But Cecil don't take notic two ever thing that I said on this letter because I was only joking. Well Cecil I will haft to two come two a close.

With very best withes two you, I remain your friend Al.

The bell is ringing for supper so I had two quit writing. A'nt that two bad.

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